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Fig.s, 2013
Fig.s, 2013, wood, ink, 110x300cm, site-specific, island of Andros, Greece

Framing defines space and territory. or this work I have borrowed the "Fig."s from M . Broodthaers’ work Museum of Modern Art, Eagles department, Film Section, 1971-2 and I have made them in pallet wood and ink (pallet wood is commonly used as a provisory fencing and ink as a reference to text). Since framing defines space and territory, I placed Fig.s  in different locations in Livadia, on the island of Andros, in order to create an indexed fragmented imagery of the landscape.
Although, through the eye of the beholder and the lens of a camera, landscape becomes a snapshot, either a portrait (vertical framing) or a landscape (horizontal framing). 
.s as sculptures are installed in locations that aren't a tourist attraction or of a particular interest, so that they may intervene in the landscape as landmarks (site-specific) and define territory as an indexed medium (image).





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